The goals of the book, the result of an Oberwolfach Seminar, are to introduce readers to explicit techniques of resolution of singularities with access to computer implementations, introduce readers to the theories of algebraic stacks and logarithmic structures, and to resolution in families and semistable reduction methods.
Michael Temkin is the Maurice and Clara Weil Chair in Mathematics at the Hebrew University of Jerusalem. His main research interests lie within non-archimedean geometry, birational geometry and the interplay between them. In particular, he is interested in resolution of singularities and semistable reduction problems. He graduated from the Weizmann Institute of Science in 2006, and after a postdoc at the University of Pennsylvania and a one-year membership at the IAS joined the Hebrew University of Jerusalem in 2010. Since 2020 he is serving as the editor in chief of the Israel Journal of Mathematics.
Jarosław Włodarczyk works in birational geometry and resolution of singularities. He graduated from Warsaw University in 1993. After a visiting position in Ruhr University Bochum and a scholarship at Grenoble University, he joined Warsaw University where he worked till 2000. After that he moved to Purdue University, where he is now a professor at the Department of Mathematics. Jarosław Włodarczyk was an invited speaker in ICM Madrid 2006, where he presented his work on the weak Factorization Theorem, playing an important role in Algebraic Geometry. He is also a recipient of numerous awards for his research contributions to birational geometry.