Dance music is music composed, played, or
both, specifically to accompany dancing.
It can be either the whole musical piece or
part of a larger musical arrangement. Dance music works usually bear the name of
the corresponding dance, e.g. waltzes, the tango, the bolero, the can-can,
minuets, salsa, various kinds of jigs and the breakdown. Other dance forms
include contradance, the merengue, the cha-cha-cha. Often it is difficult to
know whether the name of the music came first or the name of the dance. Although
dance is often accompanied by music, it can also be presented alone (Postmodern
dance) or provide its own accompaniment (tap dance). Dance presented with music
may or may not be performed in time to the music depending on the style of
dance. Dance performed without music is said to be danced to its own rhythm. An
introduction to classical and modern dance including hip hop dance, what is
dance, and the dance music (electronic music, rock and roll, disco, house,
techno, trance, etc.)
Owner and manager with MultiMedia SRL and MultiMedia Publishing House.
Project Coordinator for European Teleworking Development Romania (ETD)
Member of Rotary Club Bucuresti Atheneum
Cofounder and ex-president of the Mehedinti Branch of Romanian Association for Electronic Industry and Software
Initiator, cofounder and president of Romanian Association for Telework and Teleactivities
Member of Internet Society
Initiator, cofounder and ex-president of Romanian Teleworking Society
Cofounder and ex-president of the Mehedinti Branch of the General Association of Engineers in Romania
Physicist engineer - Bachelor of Science (Physics, Major Nuclear Physics). Master of Philosophy.
Services: web design, e-commerce and other web applications * internet marketing, SEO, online advertising, branding * software localization, English - Romanian - French translation * articles, desktop publishing, secretarial services * powerpoint, word and pdf presentation, image, audio and video editing * book and e-book conversion, editing and publishing , isbn