Amidst rising tensions within the task force, their mission becomes increasingly complex, and perhaps a tad entertaining. But not for everyone. For Reese, bad memories are stirred up, forcing him to face his past.
A trip that is relatively straightforward in scope turns out to be anything but. It’s only when they realize they’ve veered off course that Brantley starts to question their true mission.
New York Times and USA Today bestselling author Nicole Edwards spends her days stringing words together to make complete sentences. Sometimes not. Her best friend is coffee, and she has a love/hate relationship with sarcasm. She’s been accused of having a filthy imagination, which she admits is true.
Nicole lives in the suburbs of Austin, Texas. She proudly claims one husband, three grown children, and three bosses (better known as the dogs). When she isn’t writing, watching football or hockey, or keeping her bosses happy, you can probably find her with a book in hand.