Night Wings follows a Native American boy named Paul who is forced to journey up a treacherous mountain and must come face-to-face with something even more terrifying and deadly than his surroundings.
Paul has always believed in the power of dreams. He knows that they are often warnings. Warnings that should be taken very seriously. Now his nightmare visions of a fearsome winged creature are becoming all too real.
And though Paul has always depended on the wisdom of his Abenaki ancestors’ stories to guide him, no monster tale will prepare him for the horror he is about to encounter. All alone. At the top of one of the most dangerous mountains in the world.
Joseph Bruchac is the author of Skeleton Man, The Return of Skeleton Man, Bearwalker, The Dark Pond, and Whisper in the Dark, as well as numerous other critically acclaimed novels, poems, and stories, many drawing on his Abenaki heritage. Mr. Bruchac and his wife, Carol, live in upstate New York, in the same house where he was raised by his grandparents. You can visit him online at
Sally Wern Comport has been making pictures professionally since the age of sixteen. Her images have been seen in the editorial, advertising, and publishing markets worldwide, and her work includes the picture book Brave Margaret: An Irish Adventure, by Robert D. San Souci. She lives in Annapolis, Maryland, with her studio partner -- husband and their two daughters, Taylor and Olivia, and she recently completed her graduate education at Syracuse University to further her passion for the art of illustration.