Gaele Hi
Set in the high-stakes world of business and family, Singh’s debut tackles position, tradition and attraction with equal flair, using our couple as they struggle and work to gain their own desires. Mina is a lawyer and wholly qualified to run the firm if it weren’t for the traditions of patriarchy and her uncle’s determination to make the firm his. Her own legal skills could bring her success in both the boardroom and her personal life – helping the newly returned son of the Bharat founder to keep the company functioning could mean that she can both take over the firm AND prevent the marriage arranged by her family to a man she doesn’t know. For his part, Hemdeep doesn’t want to simply follow in his father’s legacy and keep constrained within those parameters. He can, and wants to start his own legacy and company – proving to everyone his worth and skill. But there is trouble on the horizon and Hem’s brother has requested his help, for without it the company could be lost. Oh this was such a fun ride – from the business manipulations to the influence of traditional values from the culture: arranged marriages, familial and filial loyalties, sibling rivalry, a bit of feminist uprising from Mina – far more intelligent than most of the men in her family who seek to subjugate her . The attractions and byplays of attraction and interest that is displayed between several different characters – from overt electricity (as between Hem and Mina) or the more subtle moments of Hem’s brothers. And then we have the interactions – from the devious uncle and corporate double-dealing to Mina and Rajneet and even Mina and Hem’s interactions. She’s not one to take his occasional moments of overbearing man sitting down – more than capable of standing up for herself – she’s quick to point that out and make it clear. What emerges here is both a nice introduction to characters that will become important as the series progresses, but a nice sense of both similarities and differences in couples and relationships – and how those relationships are often fueled and influenced by culture, tradition and expectation. Of course there is some angst here in the relationship between Mina and Hem – as she is more than acutely aware of how becoming involved with a ‘client’ could backfire on her both professionally and personally: all of that before the discussion of the marriage arranged by her mother’s family for her. Hem only has a moment of actual angst – quickly resolved and feeling more as if it was a moment he ‘should’ have experienced rather than one that actually felt organic for his character. It wasn’t big or massively distracting – and didn’t take away from his intelligent, thoughtful and confident sense gained through the book – all of which added to the ‘sexy heat’ that seemed to heat up every room he entered. I’m excited for the next book in the series ! I received an eArc copy of the title from the publisher via Edelweiss for purpose of honest review. I was not compensated for this review: all conclusions are my own responsibility.