Nitin A. Gokhale, one of South Asia's leading Strategic Analysts, is a renowned author, media trainer and founder of a specialised defence-related website
After working for 32 years as a media practitioner across print, web and broadcast mediums, during which he reported on India's North-East, focusing on the different insurgencies there, the 1999 Kargil conflict between India and Pakistan and the Sri Lankan Eelam War IV to name a few, he is now a full-time author and part-time media entrepreneur since December 2014.
Author of five books so far on insurgencies, wars and conflicts, he is visiting faculty at all Indian Defence training institutions like the National Defence College, all the three war colleges, the College of Defence Management and the Defence Services Staff College, besides being a popular speaker at various seminars and symposiums on civil military relations, insurgency/terrorism, Asian security Affairs and military-media relations. His previous books include Beyond NJ 9842:The Siachen Saga, 1965 Turning the Tide: How India won the War and Sri Lanka: From War to Peace.
Gokhale also appears on News Channels as a commentator and writes regular columns for various publications besides hosting a television show-IndiaFirst-for India's national broadcaster, Doordarshan.