While I enjoy books that have wild and unique characters and storylines, there is much to be said for a romance that is just straight forward with no contrived actions or twists. The Reunion is the type of romance that every reader can see themselves living. It’s realistic in the plot, the drama, the smexy times and most importantly, in the development of the relationship between Matthew and Skye. Ms. Adams creates her hero and heroine to be imperfectly perfect for each other. They fumble and fail as they tread into new territory and I couldn’t love them more because of it. Watching them struggle to understand what the other needs/wants drives the angst level up and I found myself turning pages faster and faster in order to find the perfect ending this author always gives me. I loved both Matthew and Skye. Matthew was so very real to me as he battled against his own issues and the creation of a completely new relationship in his life that he was never expecting had me near tears several times. I loved having his point of view as it really added to the depth of the story and allowed me to witness a bit of possessiveness he held for Skye. This was another amazing read and a superb addition to this series. I’ve loved each book and this one might actually be my favorite so far. It’s hard to say as they all have won my heart once by the time I reach the epilogue.