In this colorful picture book, Himmelman introduces the sounds of "noisy bugs" and invites children to sing along with them. Each double-page spread focuses on one insect, with a line of text, such as "A Dog-Day Cicada buzzes LOUDLY high in a tree. / ZZZZZZZZ," and a meticulously drawn, large-scale image of the animal, with color, texture, and shading apparently added digitally. The big, bold images make the illustrations inviting to children, while the accurate depictions of individual insects reward closer study. Among those featured are the tiger moth (SQUEAKA-SQUEAKA-SQUEAK), the mosquito (mmmmmm), and the bush katydid (tick-tick-tick zeezeezeezee). In contrast, the butterfly flies by in silence. An appended section provides the sound waves (on paper and, through a link, in audio files) recorded for each example; a paragraph of information about each bug and its sound; and good children's activities for related of insect sounds.
A perfect book for:
When John Himmelman was eight years old, he started his first Bug Club in a friend's garage, and he's been playing with insects ever since. Even now, on summer nights John is often in his wooded yard in Killingworth, Connecticut, flashlight in hand, searching for little creatures. Some of his most exciting discoveries are found just a few feet from his house! John co-founded the Connecticut Butterfly Association, is past president of the New Haven Bird Club, and both gives nature programs and makes school visits. He is an author and illustrator of over 75 books for children. John's enthusiasm extends to his family—his wife is an art teacher, his son is an artist, and his daughter is an actress.