Eloy Hontoria Industrial Engineer- Polytechnic University of Valencia - Spain. Ph.D. degree in Economics and Business Administration (International Doctorate Mention). Extensive experience in Operations Management and Supply Chain at the Logistic Department in different local and multinational firms, being in charge of Logistics activities, as well as CEO of his own companies. Currently working at the Department of Business Economics at the Polytechnic University of Cartagena - Spain. His research interests refer to Operation Research, IT, Governance and Business Informatics.
Fernando Jiménez Sáez Ba. degree in Economics - Universidad Autónoma de Madrid (SPAIN) Ma. degree in Analysis and Management of Science and Technology - Universidad Carlos III de Madrid (SPAIN) Ma. degree in Economics of Technical Change - Maastricht University (THE NETHERLANDS) Ph.D. degree in Engineering Projects Management - Universitat Politècnica de València, (SPAIN) Tenured university professor in the Department of Engineering Projects of the Polytechnic University of Valencia. Researcher at INGENIO (CSIC-UPV) (Spanish Council of Scientific Research and Polytechnic University of Valencia). He has worked on numerous European, national and regional projects and contracts. Currently leading several projects and contracts with European and Latin American partners to study and diagnose the capabilities of Regional Innovation Systems.
Nolberto Munier Mechanical Engineer- National University of Córdoba - Argentina. Master degree in Project Management- Polytechnic University of Valencia- Spain. Ph.D. degree in Project Management - Polytechnic University of Valencia. Extensive experience in large projects in Argentina, Perú, Ecuador, México, USA and Canada. Author of 27 books on Operations Research, Project Management, Multi Criteria Decision-Making, and Risk Analysis, as well as more than 100 papers. Associate Researcher - INGENIO (CSIC-UPV) (Spanish Council of Scientific Research and Polytechnic University of Valencia). Currently a technical writer and reviewer of technical articles for several journals.