The book focuses on the RIU "Best Bets" Africa sub-programme. This identified promising proposals to take existing agriculture research products and put these into use in ways that would benefit the poor in developing countries. The sum set aside for this was £5 million. The empirical sections of the book cover project selection, progress and programme management over a 2009-2012 period with special attention paid to lessons learned that may have implications for future cognate technology development assistance.
This topical book gives direct evidence of meeting objectives and delivering real changes in technology development for Africa to postgraduate students, researchers, international bodies, NGOs, policy makers and government organisations working on natural resource management, technology development assistance, and low income country agriculture.
Norman Clark is Professor of Innovation Systems and Development, Open University, and Senior Adviser to the DFID Research into Use Programme, UK.
Andy Frost is Deputy Director for the DFID Research into Use Programme, University of Edinburgh, UK.
Ian Maudlin is an Honorary Professor, College of Medicine and Veterinary Medicine, University of Edinburgh, and Director of the DFID Research into Use Programme, UK.
Andrew Ward is a consultant based in Zambia and the UK.