The life-threatening accidents and mishaps come in many shades: from full-fledged out-of-body experiences, to near misses and close calls, to highway mishaps, dodging bullets, edgy adventures, stupid risks, fights and wars; sometimes just witnessing disaster, or knowing others not so fortunate to escape it.
The narrator emerges with a guarded view of the shadowland of death, and brief tastes of the wonderland of stardom. Always coming back home again, chastised and forgiven, charged with fresh gratitude and humility.
Nowick Gray makes his home on Salt Spring Island, BC, where he writes fiction and creative nonfiction, and works as a freelance copyeditor. When not engaged with words, he enjoys hiking, kayaking, and playing African drums. In winter months, if not seeking unspoiled tropical locations, he settles for cozy hibernation at home.