time. This is usually due to circumstances of cause and effect. Like aΒ
body all you can do is supply both these causes with its needs. Give both of them a fair chance at domination. Who will have the advantage depends on what is more ethical, good or evil.
They both blind each other and eventually there is no right or wrong.Β
The only decision that remains constant is choice. Right or wrong wasΒ
never good or evil β it was always a matter of what is tolerable to us asΒ
individuals.Β So read further as you witness two major forces battle it out with each other:Β
Kaylen vs Kazuya
Who will emerge victorious? The answer to that is a common denominator.
Β Kaylen Kensley born on the 28th January 1984 in Cape Town, South Africa.Β This book serves as a self contained auto biography thus it isn't necessary to go into depth about the author in this section.