A collection of twenty-three short stories, "Strictly Business" focuses on romance, toxic relationships, love, and social issues. A chronicler of human emotions and the workings of the heart, O. Henry’s prose amazes in vivid, emotional, and at times cynical commentaries. Some of the best-known stories are "A Ramble in Aphasia", "The Gold that Glittered", and "A Bird of Bagdad", telling of suitors, femme fatales, and hot-tempered exiles. A must for those with a love of dramatic romances, or those of you looking for a follow up to 'Gone Girl'. William Sidney Porter (1862-1919), known simply as O. Henry, following his stint in prison, was a prolific American short story writer. His fame came exceptionally quickly and he became a bestselling author of short story collections, the most famous being "Cabbages and Kings", "The Voice of the City", and "Strictly Business." As a result of the outstanding literature legacy that O. Henry left behind, there is an annual award named after him, given to the authors of exceptional short stories.