William R. Lindsay,PhD, Consultant Forensic ClinicalPsychologist, The State Hospital, Carstairs; Head of ClinicalPsychology (Intellectual Disability) NHS Tayside & Chair ofLearning Disabilities, University of Abertay Dundee, Dundee,UK
Bill Lindsay is Consultant Forensic Clinical Psychologist atthe State Hospital, Head of Clinical Psychology (LearningDisabilities) in Tayside and Professor of Learning Disabilities atthe University of Abertay, Dundee, Scotland. He is a practicingclinician, has over 150 publications, and has directed severalmajor research projects.
John L.Taylor, DPsychol, Head of PsychologicalTherapies&Research and Consultant Clinical Psychologist,Northgate & Prudhoe NHS Trust, Northumberland & PrincipalLecturer in Clinical Psychology, Northumbria University, Newcastleupon Tyne, UK
Since qualifying as a clinical psychologist, John Taylor hasworked mainly in developmental disability and forensic services incommunity, medium secure, special hospital and prison settings inthe UK. In recent years he has published work related to hisresearch interests in assessment and treatment of offenders withdevelopmental disabilities in a range of research and professionaljournals.
Peter Sturmey, PhD, Associate Professor of Psychologyin the Department of Psychology, Queens College and The GraduateCenter, City University of New York & Research Associate at theInstitute for Basic Research, Staten Island, USA
Peter Sturmey has published widely on intellectualdisabilities, especially in the areas of challenging behaviours,functional assessment, dual diagnosis and staff training.
His current research interests include restraint reduction, clientpreferences for staff members, mood disorders and dissemination ofbehavioural technology.