This handbook is the result of over thirty years of evangelism and it uses this form of teachings to help preach the Gospel. I experienced all these teachings, I served thousands of people with different levels of education and with all kinds of religious backgrounds, including atheists. All these given, the teaching team and I decided to conceive this handbook, which
will hopefully have a tremendous impact on your life! All this time, we made continuous improvements and made adjustments to
the teachings, for each generation or cultural group, as Apostle Paul said: “to the Jews I became like a Jew, to win the Jew and to the Greeks I became like a Greek to win the Greek for Christ’, therefore, my dear friend, whether or not you are an evangelist, I provide you with this handbook as a tool in the hand of the worker.
My recommendation for you is to preserve the order of the teachings in the handbook, in order to reach the ultimate result of salvation. Only following this sequence, recommended by Paul as well, we can lead people to Jesus
Christ, step by step. These teachings are called “the basic teachings of Jesus Christ”, so don’t use them as a religious book or as a course of catechesis. This manual is a collection of teachings used to evangelize the unsaved people, but also the saved ones who haven’t followed these basic teachings until now. This manual can be used as a very efficient tool by all Christians whose desire is to evangelize unsaved people. This evangelism handbook doesn’t replace the guiding evangelist. This handbook is part of the PHILIP Project and it is a tool in an evangelist’s hand, according to the principle of evangelist Phillip and the Ethiopian
eunuch: “And he said, `How can I unless someone guides me?’” (Acts 8:31). Our next project is to prepare and offer you written support for each lesson in this handbook, where you will find all the information you need. For the lesson about the Foundation we recommend you to read the book The Divine Actions. For the lesson about Grace we recommend you to read the
book Law and Grace. The coming books meant to support you will appear soon.
The benefits of these courses
If you study this handbook honestly and seriously, you will reach the
following benefits:
- You will understand God enough to want Him as your faith foundation;
- You will understand what it means to discover Jesus Christ through revelation;
- You will understand the meaning of life, the most precious thing for you;
- You will understand and you will be able to apply the mind-changing process correctly;
- You will be able to unravel the mysteries of faith and benefit from it;
- You will be able to fructify the big chance every human has - to be born again;
- You will understand what the ‘mystery’ of baptism is about, which concerns all Christian religions.
We thank you for choosing to take your time to know Jesus Christ as your Lord and Saviour and for choosing and understanding that God’s will is for you to be an authentic disciple and evangelize the others.
Friend and brother in Christ,
Otniel Luca
Otniel Luca (b. 1962) has over 40 years of experience in studying and teaching the Bible. He dedicated his entire life of Christian ministry as a Pastor-Teacher, engaging passionately in the formation of disciples and the development of
Christian leaders. He is the founder of the OLMinistries organization which organizes seminars and conferences in the
country and abroad to prepare Christian servants and plant churches. The courses and the handbooks for Bible study that he wrote are efficient and appreciated by the leaders and also by the people who want to study the Bible. Otniel lives in Arad, he is married to Lidia and has four children.