
· Mike Lees Books
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The Human Singularity Series, spanning the Galaxy and delving into our inner-selves and what the Human being represents in the Cosmos.


Prequel to this exciting new series: Outpost.


Gar, an alien, at home in the distant Core of Systems at the centre of the Galaxy, has become a 'Terrorist' by necessity. Caught up within a corrupt system of power struggles and deceit, he must find his path to redemption and revenge. But when he is caught in an act of thievery, with two other complices, Gar is banished to a far Outpost. He spends his time collating information on Humans and their society and values. Resigned to years of outcast life, an opportunity arises when an exploration vessel from Earth visits the Outpost...

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10 шүүмж

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From London, England, Mike lives in Switzerland. He enjoys the marvellous scenery and the multi-cultural community that country has to offer. That involves speaking at least two languages and dealing with the mosaic that Switzerland has become over the centuries. He is a Professional NLP counsellor and favours personal development in his life to guide him through the journey. Painting and writing have become an important vector for him to express his inner-self and share his experiences.

As you know reviews are an important part of how an author gets known which in turn allows him to continue to write. Please consider leaving a review. Many thanks.

Feel free to contact me: [email protected]

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