(A) Recapitulation of thermodynamic terms : System, surrounding types of system (closed, open & isolated), Thermodynamic, variables, intensive & extensive properties, thermodynamic processes (isothermal, adiabatic, isobaric, cyclic, reversible & irreversible) State function & path functions, properties of state functions (exact differential, cyclic rule), integrating factor, concept of heat & work. [3L]┬а
(B) Statements of first law of thermodynamics : Definition of internal energy & enthalpy, heat capacity at constant volume & at constant pressure, Joule-Thomson experiment, Joule Thomson coefficient & Inversion temperature, calculations of W,Q,╬ФE & ╬ФH for expansion of gases for isothermal & adiabatic conditions for reversible process, carnot's cycle & its efficiency, thermodynamic scale of temperature. [5L]┬а
(C) Thermochemistry : Heat of reaction, standard states, relation between heat of reaction at constant volume & at constant pressure, Hess's law of constant heat of summation & its applications, bond dissociation energy & its calculations from thermochemical data, variation of heat of reaction with temperature (Kirchoff's equation). [4L]┬а
Unit-II : Thermodynamics-II┬а
(A) Second law of thermodynamics : Need for second law of thermodynamics, statements of second law of thermodynamics, concept of entropy, entropy as a state function of V & T, P&T, entropy change in phase change for ideal gas, entropy as criteria of spontaneity & equilibrium. [4L]┬а
(B) Free energy functions : Helmholtz free energy (A) & Gibb's free energy (G) & their properties, standard free energies, effect of temperature on free energy (Gibb's-Helmholtz equation) & its applications, A&G as criteria for thermodynamic equilibrium. [4L]┬а
(C) System of variable composition : Partial molar quantities, chemical potential, Van't-Hoff's reaction isotherm, relation between standard free energy change & equilibrium constant (thermodynamic derivation of law of mass action), effect of temperature on equilibrium constant (reaction isochore) [4L]┬а
Unit-III : Phase Equilibria┬а
(A) Phase rule : Statement of phase rule, definition of phase, component and degree of freedom, derivation of phase rule, Clapeyron equation & its application in deciding slopes of line for two phase equilibria, applications of phase rule to two phase equilibria of i) water system, ii) sulphur system & iii) Pb-Ag system. [6L]┬а
(B) Liquid-Liquid mixtures : Ideal liquid mixtures, Raoults law of ideal solutions, Henry's law, non-ideal systems, azeotropes: HCl -H2O & ethanol-water system.┬а
Partial miscible liquids : Phenol-water system, trimethylamine-water, nicotine-water system, lower & upper consolute temperature, effect of impurity.┬а
Immiscible liquids : Steam distillation, Nernst distribution law, Limitations, deviations & applications. [6L]┬а
Unit-IV : Solid State┬а
Laws of crystallography :
(i) Law of constancy of interfacial angles,
(ii) Law of rationality of indices,┬а
(iii) Law of symmetry, symmetry of elements in crystals.┬а
Unit cell, space lattice, orientation of lattice plane (Miller indices).┬а
Bravais lattices, crystal systems, X-ray diffraction by crystal, derivation of Braggs' equation.┬а