Pragati Sharma is a teenager from New Delhi. She is currently pursuing her high school degree from Sadhu Vaswani International School for Girls. Her aim is to one day become a writer like J.K Rowling.
Her mother is always her biggest incentive. Just like an ordinary phrase, behind Pragati, it is her mother. The mother and the woman who always took her back in her tough times and in her happy times too. Well very nicely quoted by Pragati, " I don't think that any combination of 26 letters would be enough for me to describe the efforts, the struggle and that everything my mom has done for me and is doing for me".
Pragati is also a firm believer in equal rights and opportunities. Many of her write-ups are about the inequalities faced by women domestically, verbally, inside their houses and outside. Many of her compositions are on feminist topics. Her aim is to one day, bring a change in the minds of the people and make the world a better place for women. She has been subsequently writing about patriarchic topics and they are published on her website.