Safe and effective prescribing is a basis of proper patient care. For prescribing Panchakarma treatment the beginners face lot of trouble especially specific slection of therapy and formulations for specific stage of disease. In order to fulfill this lacuna we have undertaken this task.
I hope the Vaidyas will become efficient by applying the therapies and formulations described in this book after accurate diagnosis of disease, its type, stage and examining Dashavidha, Ekadasha and Ashtavidha Pareeksha.
Dr. Vasant Patil graduated from SVM Ayurvedic College, Ilkal affiliated to RGUHS, Bangalore. He completed M.D. (Panchakarma) in August 2006 from Institute for Post Graduate Teaching & Research in Ayurveda (IPGTRA), Gujrat Ayurved University, Jamnagar. He is well versed in Classical & Keraliya Panchakarma. He is practicing Ayurveda since 2001 and engaged in teaching since 2006.
He has published 8 papers in research journals & 5 articles in magazines. Author also reviewed more than 15 articles of Peer Reviewed International Journals. Currently he is working as editor-in-chief for Journal of Ayurveda and Holistic Medicine (JAHM).
Recipient of 2nd prize in an essay competition on ‘‘Rationale behind Panchakarma Therapy’’ organized by Punarnava Ayurveda, Mahabalipuram (2006).
Recipient of 1st prize in an essay competition on ‘‘Bahirparimarjana Cikitsa’’ organized by Dr. Ishwara Reddy Memorial Trust, at Bellary (2007).
Books Published:
1. Snehana Therapy in Ayurveda, Choukhambha Publications, New Delhi, 2008
2. A Comprehensive Guide on Charaka Samhita”, Chowkhambha Publications, New Delhi, August 2009
3. Principles & Practice of Panchakarma, 4th edition, Chaukhmabha Publications, New Delhi
4. Clinical diagnosis in ayurveda, Atreya Ayurveda Publications, Ilkal, 2011
5. Atreya’s Principles and Practice of Basti Karma, Chaukhmbha Sanskrit Pratishtana, Varanasi