Experience the fantastical adventures of the magical nanny who inspired the classic film, stage show, and young imaginations the world over in a whole new way. With charming illustrations in her signature collage style from Kate Greenaway Medal, Children's Laureate, MBE, and Smarties Gold Award winner Lauren Child, this edition is sweeter than a spoonful of sugar. An essential edition for the lifelong Mary Poppins fan or serious collector, this edition also makes for a lovely family read-aloud and first introduction to the cheerful story!
P. L. Travers (1899–1996) was a drama critic, travel essayist, reviewer, lecturer, and the creator of Mary Poppins. Ms. Travers wrote several other books for adults and children, but it is for the character of Mary Poppins that she is best remembered.
Lauren Child burst onto the children’s books scene in 1999 and has since published many bestselling and award-winning books, including those featuring the hugely popular Charlie and Lola and the Clarice Bean series. She has won numerous awards, including the prestigious Kate Greenaway Medal and the Smarties Gold Award. Her books have been made into an award-winning TV series and have sold in many languages with runaway success.