Parcel of Rogues

· Goylake Publishing
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John Ball was a middle-aged businessman with problems, and those problems compelled him to run away from Nicola, his devoted wife of twenty years. The last thing John needed was to become embroiled in a murder inquiry, but with a gunman on the loose in the city parks, John's temporary home, the heat was on in more ways than one.John required a safe house, a place where he could cool his heels and wrestle with his personal demons. He also required a bodyguard. Fortunately, my friend Mac was available to supply the safe house and the hired muscle.Meanwhile, I went on the murderer's trail. Along the way, I encountered Cora Joseph, an ambitious detective sergeant with a point to prove. Together, we clashed with a parcel of rogues and unravelled a decades-old mystery.A Parcel of Rogues, a tale of arrogance on the one hand and humility on the other, a tale of men who would murder on the roll of a dice, a tale that placed me at a personal crossroads. Which road should I choose? The road labelled 'head' or the road labelled 'heart'? When faced with such labels, do we really have a choice?

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