Prof. Parissa Taheri is a Plant Pathologist, Mycologist, Ferdowsi University of Mashhad, Iran. Her research focuses on plant pathology; fungal taxonomy and virulence factors, systematics and population genetics of phytopathogenic fungi; molecular plant-microbe interactions; plant defense signaling pathways; cytomolecular and biochemical aspects of plant resistance; redox biology and signaling in plant defense to biotic and abiotic stresses, identification and application of biocontrol agents or bioactive natural products with antifungal effects; and mechanisms of biological control and plant growth promotion via beneficial fungi. She serves as Editor-in-Chief of the Elsevier journal “Physiological and Molecular Plant Pathology, and Managing Guest Editor of the special issue “Beneficial Microorganisms in Agriculture. She is editor of other international journals, such as Frontiers in Plant Science and Rhizosphere. She is Managing Guest Editor of the special issue entitled “Natural Plant Protectants against Pathogens and Pests, published in a new Elsevier journal “Journal of Natural Pesticide Research.