In the midst of national education reforms and global changes driven by public health crises and economic turbulence, Finnish Lessons 3.0 encourages teachers, students, and policymakers to think big and bold when they look for new solutions to improving their schools and entire education systems. This edition provides an even deeper dive into the present world of education in Finland in light of the most recent education statistics and international data, including PISA 2018, TIMSS 2016, and TALIS 2018.
“Finland’s approach to education reform shows we must address student inequality before we can expect student excellence.”
—The 2013 Grawemeyer Award Committee
“The story of Finnish educational success as told in Finnish Lessons is remarkable . . . this is an important book and educators need to read it.”
—Educational Researcher
“Provides solid background on the historical context that allowed Finland’s education system to transform into a powerhouse.”
—Education Review