After finding herself locked out one day, Patrice Foster became homeless and struggled to survive on the cold streets of New York. Her life on the streets was a dangerous and discouraging time, yet despite her hopeless situation, she finished school and moved to New Jersey where she entered a Licensed practical nurse program in 1986. After graduating, she moved to Philadelphia, Pennsylvania where she furthered her career by becoming a Registered nurse in 1998. She continued her education by pursuing a Bachelor of Science in nursing program at Immaculate University.
Through her personal evolution, Foster continues to battle the demons of her youth and desire to feel worthy and respected by striving to heal a little each day. Foster runs a blog, PatriceMFoster, that focuses on teenage depression. The blog gives insight on how one could better handle their situation while educating readers with facts, statistics, and examples. Foster is currently working on an online class that will explain the importance of teenage depression in an effective yet entertaining way.