Patricia (Trish) Telesco, aka Marian Singer, is the mother of three, wife, chief human to 5 pets, and a full-time professional author with over 75 books on the market, each of which represents a different area of spiritual interest for her and her readers. Trish's books are for the open-minded seeker who desires true wisdom. Her Wiccan, Witchcraft, and Pagan books and guides provide real and practical information on magick (magic), spells, rituals, Shamanism, animal familiars, Gods and Goddesses, Kitchen Witchery, and Earth-based spirituality. From beginner to adept, folks love Trish's books because there is no agenda or bias regarding any particular Wiccan path. Her books are a treasure trove of meticulous research and over 40 years of personal experience with all types of Wicca. More of Trish's work may be found on