The devastating summer of Australian bushfires underlined a terrifying sense of a world pushed to the brink. Then came Covid-19, and with it another dramatic lurch away from business as usual. Some observers are worried that the all-consuming effort to control the pandemic will distract us from the long-term challenge of limiting catastrophic climate change. At the same time, many people are hoping for a ‘green Covid-19 recovery’: a cleaner, fairer and safer world. This BWB Text brings together mātauranga Māori and Pasifika perspectives, voices from academia, activism, journalism and economics to bear witness to these troubled times.
Tom Doig is an author, academic and journalist. He has written three nonfiction books: Hazelwood (Penguin Random House, forthcoming 2020), The Coal Face (Penguin, 2015, winner of the Oral History Victoria Education Innovation Award) and Mörön to Mörön: Two Men, Two Bikes, One Mongolian Misadventure (Allen & Unwin, 2013). Tom has a PhD in Literary Journalism from Monash University (Melbourne) and currently teaches creative writing at Massey University, Palmerston North.