Richard Chomyszak, D.C.
This book discusses WHY chiropractic is wrong using OLD terminology that used today is simply 'out of date' to claim chiropractic isn't based in science. Vertebrae do not press on nerves, and that isn't what a subluxation is. Once thought, that is what it was. Current science/research CLEARLY illustrates that the subluxation IS dysafferentation of mechanoreceptors. Since afferentation is key for neurological stimulation and optimal function and the chiropractic adjustment directly addresses DYSafferenation, that is the KEY reason for the chiropractic success seen everyday in chiropractic. Afferentation refers to INPUT to the CNS. Afferenation is the GREATEST stimulation of cerebellar activity, and cerebellar activity is the GREATEST modulator of brain FUNCTION. The research, BTW, is not chiropractic that validates chiropractic. Simple FACT that seeing a chiropractor regularly impacts brain function and overall health and KEEPS many people away from medicine and drugs has a direct impact on AUTHORITY and PROFIT from pharmaceutical companies is the reason this type of "literature" exists.
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