The story is extremely well-written, and the art has a very beautiful painted style that expresses the imagery and characters, especially their facial expressions, in a very vivid way. There is great pacing in the plot that keeps the reader hooked, and a momentum that never lets up. The characters are all well-developed and interesting, each one unique in their own special way. Whether the heroes or the villains, every character is distinct and exciting to get to know, and all lovable. The digitization quality is superb here. Unlike the overwhelming majority of e-comic scans on Google Play Books which have atrocious amounts of lossy compression and poor image quality, this has such a high digitization quality that there is absolutely no compression artifacting, and the details of the text and pictures are extremely clear and sharp. This e-comic is the gold standard of how digitization should be. As well, it is the gold standard in story and art. The Complete Colder Omnibus is perfect.