In "Found Girl," experience a cosmic battle of wills when an alien farm girl, Arian Teraz, defies tradition and loveless marriage. Her daring flight from home leads her into the path of Captain Jackson "Coop" Cooper. Together, they unravel her destiny while facing looming threats and intense passion.
"Lost Valyr" plunges you into a future fraught with peril and heart-pounding chemistry. When Dr. Rachel Grant, a brilliant scientist, inadvertently thaws the alien Valyr from cryosleep, a web of destruction unravels. Together, they must face relentless robotic foes and ignite an unexpected spark.
In "Maestra Rising," Nivi, a gifted scientist, and Moose, a robot with a human consciousness, race against time to save a lost ship. As they grapple with their blossoming desires and a ruthless enemy, the stakes for humanity's survival have never been higher.
If you love breathtaking adventures, captivating characters, and riveting romance, grab Project Enterprise Bundle 3 today, and immerse yourself in three extraordinary interstellar escapades.
Award-winning, USA Today best-selling author, Pauline never liked reality, so she writes books. She likes to wander among the genres, rampaging like Godzilla, because she does love peril mixed in with her romance.