Graduate students and researchers will benefit from and find inspiration in this broad and unique work, which brings together fundamental results in a number of disciplines and highlights the rewards of an interdisciplinary approach to mathematics and physics.
Contributors: M. Atiyah; A. Braverman; H. Brezis; T. Coates; A. Connes; S. Debacker; V. Drinfeld; L.D. Faddeev; M. Finkelberg; D. Gaitsgory; I.M. Gelfand; A. Givental; D. Kazhdan; M. Kontsevich; B. Kostant; C-H. Liu; K. Liu; G. Lusztig; D. McDuff; M. Movshev; N.A. Nekrasov; A. Okounkov; N. Reshetikhin; A. Schwarz; Y. Soibelman; C. Vafa; A.M. Vershik; N. Wallach; and S-T. Yau.