Delve into the lives of Cain and Abel, Noah and his descendants, Jacob and his twelve sons, King Solomon and his blunders, and the perseverance of Ruth and Esther. Discover the triumphs and tribulations, the faith and failures, of these individuals who navigated the complexities of their time.
As you journey through these pages, you'll be challenged to reconsider your own faith practices and how you approach God. With honesty and depth, Peter DeHaan encourages readers to look beyond the black and white portrayals of these characters and see them as real, flawed individuals—with moments of encouraging success.
Ideal for small groups, Sunday school classes, and individual study, 200 OLD TESTAMENT SINNERS AND SAINTS is a refreshing and thought-provoking guide to understanding the Old Testament in a new light. Whether you're new to the Bible or a seasoned believer, this book is sure to inspire, educate, and spark meaningful insights about faith and discipleship.
Get your copy of 200 OLD TESTAMENT SINNERS AND SAINTS today.
Peter DeHaan, PhD, often makes religious people squirm, but spiritual seekers cheer. He’s not trying to be provocative, but he seeks truth, even if it makes some people uncomfortable. He yearns for Christians to push past the status quo and reconsider how they practice their faith in every area of their lives.
Peter earned his doctorate, awarded with high distinction, from Trinity College of the Bible and Theological Seminary. He lives with his wife in beautiful Southwest Michigan and wrangles crossword puzzles in his spare time.
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