It sheds light on the resource nexus in three realms: markets, interstate relations and local human security. These three realms are the organizing principle of three chapters, before the analysis turns to crosscutting case studies including shale gas, migration, lifestyle changes and resource efficiency, nitrogen fertilizer and food systems, water and the Nile Basin, climate change and security and defense spending. The key issues revolve around competition and conflict over finite natural resources. The authors highlight opportunities to improve both the understanding of nexus challenges and their governance. They critically discuss a global governance approach versus polycentric and multilevel approaches and the lack of those dimensions in many theories of international relations.
Philip Andrews-Speed is Principal Fellow, Energy Studies Institute, National University of Singapore.
Raimund Bleischwitz is BHP Billiton Chair in Sustainable Global Resources, University College London (UCL), Institute for Sustainable Resources, London, UK.
Tim Boersma is Fellow at The Brookings Institution, Energy Security Initiative, Washington, DC, USA.
Corey Johnson is Associate Professor of political geography, University of North Carolina at Greensboro, USA.
Geoffrey Kemp is Director of Regional Security Programs, The Center for the National Interest, Washington, DC, USA.
Stacy D. VanDeveer is a Professor and Department Chair, Department of Political Science, University of New Hampshire, USA.