Stefano Protti obtained the Master’s degree in 2003 (110/110 cum laude). In 2007, he completed his PhD in Pavia focusing on photochemical arylations via phenyl cations. Later he moved to LASIR Laboratory (Lille, France), where he investigated the photoreactivity and the photophysics of flavonoids. He came back to Pavia and started working in the field of (photo)green synthetic chemistry. After a postdoctoral stay at the iBitTec-S laboratory (CEA Saclay, France) carrying out studies on photocatalyzed oxidation reactions for energy storage, he moved again to Pavia. Since 2018 is Associate Professor at the University of Pavia, Italy. He is currently editor of the Specialist Periodical Reports in Photochemistry of the Royal Society of Chemistry, member of the Early Career Board of the ACS Sustainable Chemistry and Engineering and of the International Advisory Board of the European Journal of Organic Chemistry. The research activity of Stefano Protti has been mainly focused on the development of new synthetic methods for the light driven formation of C-C and C-heteroatom bonds under metal free conditions.