Pierre W. Orelus is assistant professor at New Mexico State University. His recent books include: Whitecentricism and Linguoracism Exposed (2013); The Race Talk (2012); and Radical Voices for Democratic Schooling (with Curry Malott, 2012).
Curry S. Malott is assistant professor in the Department of Professional and Secondary Education, West Chester University of Pennsylvania, US. Some of Dr. Malott's most recent books include Critical Pedagogy and Cognition: An Introduction to a Post-Formal Educational Psychology (2011); Teaching Joe L. Kincheloe (2011) co-edited with Rochelle Brock and Leila Villaverde; and Radical Voices for Democratic Schooling (2012), co-edited with Pierre W. Orelus.
Romina A. Pacheco is doctoral candidate in the Department of Curriculum and Instruction at New Mexico State University. Her research interests include critical pedagogy, Black and Latina/Chicana Feminist Thought, critical multicultural education, and radical participatory democracy in the classroom.