Dr. Pooja is a Scientist at Central Scientific Instruments Organisation, Chandigarh. She has established various materials and opto/electrochemical knowledge protocols for inorganic pollutants detection in water, the technology of same has been transferred to the industry. Her present research focus is on bio recognition (peptides) elements-based sensor design for inorganic and organic water pollutants. She is currently working on integrating imaging technologies with colorimetric sensors for water pollutants detection and remediation.
Prof. Arafat received his Ph.D. in Chemical Engineering from the University of Cincinnati (Ohio, USA) in 2000. From 2000-2003, he worked as a researcher and project manager at Argonne National Laboratory (ANL) (Illinois, USA). His research at ANL was focused on process development for nuclear waste treatment at DOE sites. Between 2003 and 2010, Dr. Arafat served as a faculty member at the Chemical Engineering Department at An-Najah University (Palestine). In 2010, he joined Massachusetts Institute of Technology (MIT) as a visiting scholar for six months, after which he moved to Abu Dhabi (UAE) where he now works at Masdar Institute of Science and Technology in the Department of Chemical and Environmental Engineering. He is a recipient of several prestigious international awards and international research fellowships, including the USA Department of Energy (DOE) Secretarial Honor Award and the Mondialogo Engineering Award, awarded jointly by Daimler AG and UNESCO. He is also the recipient of 16 grants totaling USD $10M. He is an author of 70+ book chapters and peer-reviewed journal papers and 80+ conference papers. The focus of Dr. Arafat's research interests is on sustainable and autonomous desalination processes, the development of novel membranes for desalination and the development of sustainable solid waste management strategies. Dr. Arafat serves on the editorial board of many international peer- reviewed journals
Yury Gogotsi is a globally prominent scientist, born in Ukraine, who focuses primarily on materials chemistry and electrochemistry. He currently works as a chaired Distinguished University Professor at Drexel University in Philadelphia in materials science, engineering, and nanotechnology fields. He also holds the position of Director of the A. J. Drexel Nanomaterials Institute. During his career he has received numerous awards for his research, including the S. Somiya Award from the International Union of Materials Research Societies, the Materials Research Society Medal, the Chemistry of Materials Award from the American Chemical Society, the Ceramic Prize form the World Academy of Ceramics, and many others.