David M. Boje is an amateur blacksmith artist, & Professor of Storytelling, Distinguished University Professor, and Bill Daniels Ethics Fellow in Management Department at New Mexico State University. He was awarded an honorary doctorate from Aalborg University, Denmark in 2011 for his contributions to quantum storytelling. He does keynote conference presentations and university seminars around the world. He is founder and president of Standing Conference for Management and Organizational Inquiry| founder and past editor, Tamara Journal and Chair of the NMSU Sustainability Council. He is former Bank of America Endowed Professorship of Management (awarded September 2006-2010), and past Arthur Owens Professorship in Business Administration (June 2003-June 2006) in the Management Department at New Mexico State University.
Robert P. Gephart Jr. is a professor of strategic management and organization at the University of Albertaâs School of Business in Edmonton, Canada. He received his PhD from the University of British Columbia in 1979. Dr. Gephart has published in several important journals including the Administrative Science Quarterly, the Academy of Management Journal, Journal of Management, Organization Studies, Organizational Research Methods, and Qualitative Sociology. He is also the author of Ethnostatistics: Qualitative Foundations for Quantitative Research (SAGE, 1988) and a coeditor of Postmodern Management and Organization Theory (SAGE, 1996). Dr. Gephart served as an associate editor of Organizational Research Methods and serves on the editorial boards of the Academy of Management Journal and the Academy of Management Review. He received the 2015 SAGE Distinguished Career Award from the Research Methods Division of the Academy of Management. His current research interests include ethnostatistics, risk sensemaking, and organizational change management.