Giving this Nine Monthly manual, we all team members are very happy, as this will be very helpful to every aspirants in their current affairs norms, as well as for all competitive exams. This manual virtually is covering most of the current affairs related events from June 2017 Till Date. We have prepared this special manual keeping in mind that students need updated current affairs for several examinations like UPSC, State PSCs, Railways and other competitive examinations. We have prepared this manual in bullets with bold facts which eventually would be helpful for the students. This issue fulfills the need of a manual that will provide to students latest current affairs of the latest months in concise form. This issue covers Union Budget 2018-19, Economic Survey 2017-18, India State of Forest report -2017 and Census 2011 in easy format. In addition UP Budget 2018-19 is also included in briefs. In this manual Current affairs related to National, International, Sports, States, Science and Tech., Environment and ecology are also given. Apart from this more than thousand MCQs are given in this.
Kindly send us your feedbacks and suggestions in order to make this magazine more meaningful and helpful.
Wishing you all the luck for your brilliant future and bright success