Pranee Liamputtong is Personal Chair in Public Health at the School of Public Health, La Trobe University, Melbourne, Australia. Pranee has previously taught in the School of Sociology and Anthropology and worked as a public health research fellow at the Centre for the Study of Mothers' and Children's Health, La Trobe University. She has her particular interests on issues related to cultural and social influences on childbearing, childrearing and women's reproductive and sexual health. She has published several books and a large number of papers in these areas.
Her three books on these issues have been used widely in health area: My 40 days: A cross-cultural resource book for health care professionals in birthing services (The Vietnamese Antenatal/Postnatal Support Project, 1993); Asian mothers, Australian birth (editor, Ausmed Publications, 1994); Maternity and reproductive health in Asian societies (editors, with Lenore Manderson, Harwood Academic Press, 1996).
Her more recent books include: Asian mothers, Western birth (new edition of Asian mothers, Australian birth, Ausmed Publications, 1999); Living in a new country: Understanding migrants' heaslth (editor, Ausmed Publications, 1999); Among women and reprodcution (Bergin & Garvey, 2000); and Coming of age in South and Southeast Asia: Youth, courtship and sexuality (editors, with Lenore Manderson, Curzon Press and Nordic Institute of Asian Studies (NIAS), 2002). Her most recent book in the health area is: Health, social change and communities (editors, with Heather Gardner, Oxford University Press, 2003). She has also recently completed a book on Thai women and Motherhood (to be published by Lexington Books); Becoming a Mother: A Cross-Cultural Perspective and Childbearing and Infant Care: A Cross-Cultural Perspective (both to be published byy Nova Science Publishers, New York). She is now working on Community, Health and Population (with Sansnee Jirojwong, to be published by Oxford University Press, Melbourne).
Her research method book is titled Qualitatitve research methods: A health focus (with Douglas Ezzy, Oxford University Press, 1999, reprinted in 2000, 2001, 2002, 2003, 2004); and the second edition of this book is titled Qualitative Research Methods (2005, reprinted 2005, 2006 twice). Pranee's new book is on the use of the Internet in qualitative research: Health Research in Cyberspace: Methodological, Practical and Personal Issues of Researching Online (Nova Sciences Publishers, New York, 2006). Her most recent book is titled Researching Vulnerable People: A Guide to Sensitive Research Methods (Sage, London, in press). She is now preparing a book on Knowing Differently: An Introductiono to Experiential and Arts-Based Research Methods, to be published by Noval Science Publishers, New York.