rashmi anand
A pandemic is unfolding and gradually taking countries of the world, big or small, weak or powerful, developed or developing under it's grip. Mounting scale of its severity affecting adversely their health infrastructure and create an emergency like situation. Governments take unprecedented steps in form of lockdowns ceasing all form of economic activities except few of inevitable requisite. Initial responses of majorly affected countries were dependent on their previous experience of dealing with a virus outbreak of covid-19 form. The wounded world manages to explore how different countries deal with the situation. The author seems to have penned down as the pandemic unfolds in different territories. How helping hands are offered to even those capable of dealing with the circumstances but a spontaneously popped up and rapidly spreading disease caused them unprecedented void in decision making and mobilizing available resources. In later chapter, the possible future is well explored.
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Brainstorming Session
During the initial months of covid-19 pandemic, a global lockdown and successively mounting number of deaths had almost made the world compelled and shocked in front of this spontaneously incarnated monster and enemy of mankind. The global economy had gone for steep decline. Millions of people across the world lost their jobs due to shut down of economic activities. Between this hassle, an unprecedented effort by governments of different countries came to rescue their citizens for their lives. Their priorities we're saving lives first. They took all measures to challenge the pandemic. The book the wounded world is well written about different countries and their effort to fight the pandemic. Apart from this the book has many stories of courage, humanity and cooperation which have shown the light of hope in the profound darkness of hopelessness.