Further, this illustrated version seeks to create a more visceral feel for the mathematics by depicting it with a range of art – abstract, literal, pencil-drawn, computer-generated, and mythological. There are over 150 illustrations in this book providing deeper insight into key aspects of the cosmology. The cosmology describes how that which is unmanifest, manifests, leveraging a light-based, quaternary view of quantum dynamics to do so. In this view, the Self is a mathematical key, a mysterious variable, that delving into the whole that it is, can mathematically change the equilibrium of this dynamic creation. This is represented symbolically by the “quantization-chakra” in the cover illustration, which brings possibilities resident in all the layers of light into practical material existence, ushering in, as it were, a new type of endless creation where richness builds on richness and new types of super-matter on previous super-matter.