Adam Freemotion
** spoiler alert ** This is my first Jane Casey book which is hers too. I need to ask these questions from Jane! 1. Story is good and exciting. But despite the huge amount of details you have written regarding the serial killer who burns his victims, despite your beautiful story, why did you conclude the whole process of the planning and catching the killer in just 4-5 pages? The end of the story about your major story (that is about a serial killer, i think) is really disappointing and it seems was written by someone else, who was in a hurry to wrap up the story asap! The police team go out to catch the killer and surprisingly killer attacks the detective and her friends catch him!! This is it! No any plans; no anything special! That point of the story was too way to be a mature! 2. Every character tells her/his story in your book. At the beginning of the story, Louise goes to see the Rebecca's parents. The empathy she feels about the Rebecca and her parents and the whole of the conversation between Louise and herself in her brain isn't and cannot be right. Someone cannot kill someone else and speak to herself as if someone else did it, unless she suffers some mental problems, which is not the case in your story. Anyway, despite what i said above, the whole story was average to acceptable and not boring.