Prime Directive

· Simon and Schuster
46 ressenyes
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Following in the bestselling tradition of Spock’s World and The Lost Years, this is a white-knuckled Star Trek tale of mystery and wonder that spans the galaxy in a vivid race against time.

Starfleet’s most sacred commandment has been violated. Its most honored captain is in disgrace, its most celebrated starship in pieces, and the crew of that ship scattered among the thousand worlds of the Federation.

Thus begins the epic tale Prime Directive. Journey with Spock, McCoy, and the rest of the former crew of the Starship Enterprise to the planet where their careers ended. A world once teeming with life that now lies ruined, its cities turned to ashes, its surface devastated by a radioactive firestorm—all because of their actions. There, they must find out how and why this tragedy occurred and discover what has become of their captain.

Puntuacions i ressenyes

46 ressenyes

Sobre l'autor

Judith and Garfield Reeves-Stevens are the authors of more than thirty books, including numerous New York Times bestselling Star Trek novels. For more information, please visit

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