He has written over 417 papers and received 87 patents. He is the author, co-author, and editor of 55 books, including 22 in English.
In 2000, he was appointed as the President of the Tokyo Chapter, LEOS, IEEE. From 2000,
He is an executive director of the Japan Society of Applied Physics. His main field of interests is nanophotonics.
He is a Fellow of the Optical Society of America, and a Fellow of the Japan Society of Applied Physics. He is also a Tandem Member of the Science Council of Japan.
Awards: 14 prizes from academic institutions, including the Issac Koga Gold Medal of URSI in 1984, the Japan IBM Science Award in 1988, two awards from the Japan Society of Applied Physics in 1982 and 1990, the Inoue Science Foundation Award in 1999, the Japan Royal Medal with a Purple Ribbon from the Japanese Government in 2004, H. Inoue Award from JST in 2005, the Distinguished Achievement Award from the Institute of Electronics, Information and Communication Engineering of Japan in 2007, the Julius Springer Prize for Applied Physics in 2009.