Dr. Qingbin Gao joined the Department of Mechanical and Aerospace Engineering at California State University, Long Beach as an Assistant Professor in Fall 2015. He received his B.S. in Mechanical Engineering from Harbin Institute of Technology, China, in 2011 and Ph.D. in Mechanical Engineering from University of Connecticut in 2015. Dr. Gao's main research lies in the stability analysis and control synthesis of time-delay systems. He is recipient of the Best Conference Paper Award of the 2013 American Society of Mechanical Engineers (ASME) Dynamic Systems and Control Conference.
Dr. Karimi received the B.Sc. (First Hons.) degree in power systems from the Sharif University of Technology, Tehran, Iran, in 1998, and the M.Sc. and Ph.D. (First Hons.) degrees in control systems engineering from the University of Tehran, Tehran, in 2001 and 2005, respectively. His research interests are in the areas of control systems/theory, mechatronics, networked control systems, intelligent control systems, signal processing, vibration control, ground vehicles, structural control, wind turbine control and cutting processes. He is an Editorial Board Member for some international journals and several Technical Committee. Prof. Karimi has been presented a number of national and international awards, including Alexander-von-Humboldt Research Fellowship Award (in Germany), JSPS Research Award (in Japan), DAAD Research Award (in Germany), August-Wilhelm-Scheer Award (in Germany) and been invited as visiting professor at a number of universities in Germany, France, Italy, Poland, Spain, China, Korea, Japan, India.