Think about the products you buy. Do you have a connection with them? Likely not. In fact, we often buy products simply because of price or convenience. There are some products and services, however, that people feel a deep loyalty to. Think about brands like Apple, Facebook, and Airbnb who have a loyal following and devoted fan base. What is it about these companies that make people fall in love with them? Throughout Difference, author Bernadette Jiwa lays out how brands like these use the traditional “Ps” of marketing and add one additional, key ingredient: people. That’s right, they place the consumer first and center their needs around everything they do. The result? Love and loyalty. So how can you do the same for your business? Find out now. As you read, you’ll learn why you need to start with the truth instead of a product, why empathy is important, and how companies like Airbnb and Uber have set a new standard in their industries.
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