When you own your own business, you find the road to success is hard and difficult. You may even look at companies like Apple, Amazon, and Starbucks and wonder how they rocketed to success. Surely, they’re doing something you aren’t, right? Well, you no longer need to wonder about their secret to success. In this summary of Rocket, you’ll read the stories of how remarkable business leaders created trusted brands, like Leslie Wexner who turned a small two-store chain into a $6.5 billion worldwide brand called Victoria’s Secret. Or how an online website turned into a multi-billion-dollar company by creating online trust among strangers. So if you’re looking to rocket your company and grow your business faster than your competitor, then look no further. Learn about the strategies big companies use, including why you should focus on your top 2% of customers, how to identify your demand space, and why passionate employees are your key to success.
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