Deb Ramos
“The Hunt Begins” is the sixteenth book in “The Grey Wolf Series” by Quinn Loftis. This book was riveting, powerful, raw and emotional. Quinn’s words captivate you from the very beginning of the book. This complete series has me in awe of this talented, powerful and gifted author. Quinn’s words and writing style have you living the moments right along with the characters. I am thoroughly invested in this series, I been here since the beginning and I’m not going anywhere. This storyline had me on the edge of my seat, crying, laughing, breaking and healing. The book shows Fane becoming more like his father, being a caring and loving Alpha supporting not only his pack but all of the other packs and uniting many different supernaturals … Shifters, Fae, Elven, Gypsy Healers, Sprites, Warlocks and Djinn to work towards a common goal ….defeating evil and to rescue one of their own who has been captured. It shows Jacque growing and becoming an Alpha who has strength, wisdom and compassion much like Alina. It shows how strong true mates are defying all odds, and surviving and overcoming anything and everything that fate throws in their way. I fell in love with the series all over again…. Quinn sends powerful messages through her writing …. we learn vengeance is not always sweet but necessary, we learn something wonderful can come out of evil, we learn the true meaning of leadership, loyalty, love, pain, sadness, joy and relief. My heart breaks and mends throughout the book. It shows how these characters have matured and grown so much over the progression of the series, it shows that the Great Luna is like a mother whose love never falters for her children even when horrible things may occur to them, it teaches us that bad things happen for a reason even though we may not see it at the time and that redemption is possible. This is an amazing series written by the extremely talented author, Quinn Loftis. If this is the genre you enjoy, pick up the book or download it and buckle in for the roller coaster ride with The Pack!!!
Caitie Choate
Let me start by saying this: I've been reading Quinns books since I was 22. I am now 33. I have never once, in all these years been bored of Quinns work. Specifically the Grey Wolves series. The fact that she's still keeping it going and the stories are still as great today as they were then, is just a small example of how amazing Quinn is. The Hunt Begins was the stepping stone to redemption for a lot of people. Peri has a lot to answer for, as does Skender. Torion just might be one of my new favorite characters. He is so pure and smart. He reminds me of Sally in a lot of ways. Just his big, forgiving heart. It's going to be a lot of fun to see how Jen and Dec handle him. Nick and Karas battle was HEARTBREAKING. I cried for them both. Without giving too much away, what they both go through, endure to get back to each other is a defining moment for them. As always, Jaque, Jen, and Sally are the glue to every story. The bond, the comedic relief and the absolute love they have fo
Abby Purcell
As usual Quinn blows us away with her amazing storytelling and leaves us on the edge of our seats wanting more. The Hunt Begins is a beautiful blend of all of our favorite characters from the Grey Wolves Series and the Gypsy Healer Series. Somehow Quinn brings everyone’s stories into this book and does so with hilarious dialogue, moving raw emotions and the awesome supernatural storyline that she is known for creating in her books. I love how all of our favorite wolves, fae, and healers each have a piece of this story. I just loved it. For me, these books just keep getting better each one. If you have not read this series, you are missing out. 10/10 and five stars for The Hunt Begins.