रात्र...सुखदु:खाची...रेल्वेस्टेशनवरची...कीर्तनात रंगलेली...रात्रीची ही विविध रूपं उतरलीत मान्यवरांच्या लेखणीतून... रात्रीची ही स्मरणचित्रे म्हणजे ‘रात्ररंग’...रात्र या एकाच प्रहराचं व्यामिश्र चित्रण.The dusky evenings followed by the nights, our own world entangled within. The search for ‘I’ leads to many nights, one after other, revealing a different form every time. All that remains for us to see are the footmarks or nightmarks as we can name them.
Each night that we experience through the reading of Raat-Ranga, keeps us awake and evokes wonderful feelings.