There is a great and constantly growing interest in the study of the English Bible in these days. However, very much of the so-called study of the English Bible is unintelligent and not fitted to produce the most satisfactory results. The authors of this book already have a book entitled “HOW TO STUDY: Study the Bible for the Greatest Profit,” but that book is intended for those who are willing to buy out the time to put into thorough Bible study. The present book is intended, first of all, to impress men and women with the Importance and Value of Bible Study; secondly, to show busy men and women how to get the most out of their Bible Study; thirdly, to set forth the fundamental principles of correct Biblical Interpretation.
REUBEN ARCHER TORREY [1856–1928] was an American evangelist, pastor, educator, and writer. Torrey studied at Yale University, Yale Divinity School, Leipzig University, Erlangen University and received a doctorate from Wheaton College. Soon after becoming a congregational minister, Torrey joined Dwight L. Moody in his evangelistic work in Chicago. Torrey authored over 40 books in his lifetime.
EDWARD D. ANDREWS (AS in Criminal Justice, BS in Religion, MA in Biblical Studies, and MDiv in Theology) is CEO and President of Christian Publishing House. He has authored fifty-three books and coauthored and updated and expanded three books, as well as over 200 articles. Andrews is the chief translator of the Updated American Standard Version.