Behind every face is a mental attitude, a manner of thinking. You are what you think! God mandates that you think divine viewpoint—the mind of Christ—a perspective of life based on the infallible Word of God. When Bible doctrine is the foundation of your thinking, you will have confidence and stability under all circumstances, an orientation to grace, an inner happiness that produces capacity for life, love, and blessing, and a relaxed mental attitude toward people.
This book is dedicated in loving memory to two faithful servants: Laura Kay Tapping whose spirit of service to the Lord is alive and well in this ministry and my faithful canine companion, Sassy, who spent many long hours at my feet while I studied the Word of God.
The cover, drawn by Katherine Stark Tapping, is a portrait of the personnel of R. B. Thieme, Jr., Bible Ministries in the year of our Lord, 2000. Laura Kay, who went home to be with Lord in 1998, is pictured to the left of Colonel Thieme.
ROBERT B. THIEME, JR. (1918–2009) remains a significant voice of Christianity throughout the world. His diligent, expository teaching is based on the original languages of Scripture in light of the historical context in which the Bible was written. His innovative systems of vocabulary, illustrations, and biblical categories clearly communicate the infallible truths of God’s Word. Thieme recorded more than eleven thousand hours of sermons and published more than one hundred books covering much of the Bible.
Thieme graduated from the University of Arizona (Phi Beta Kappa) and Dallas Theological Seminary (summa cum laude). His seminary studies were interrupted by World War II military service during which he rose to the rank of lieutenant colonel in the United States Army Air Corps. After completion of his graduate work in 1950, he became pastor of Berachah Church in Houston, Texas. His extensive training in Greek, Hebrew, theology, history, and textual criticism provided the foundation for his demanding professional life of studying and teaching the Word of God. Thieme retired as pastor of Berachah Church after fifty-three years of faithful service.